Jesus Saves
Luke 23:35-43
I. Jesus will not save those demanding a miracle.
A. The first group of people who didn’t think Jesus was much of a Savior was the rulers of Israel (vs. 35). The taunting of the rulers came straight out of a prophecy in Psalm 22:8: “He trusts in the LORD; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him.” It appears that there was only one thing that would convince the rulers and one of the criminals (vs. 39) that Jesus was a Savior: a miracle. If somehow God Himself loosened the nails on the cross so that Jesus could get off the cross and walk away, then they would believe that Jesus is a Savior.
B. Jesus never gives a miracle to those who demand one. But does that mean that Jesus cannot do miracles? Absolutely not! Jesus is the God who saves! Frequently, however, Jesus gives His miracles not when or how we expect. The leaders were demanding that Jesus miraculously get off the cross right now. But what happened three days later? Jesus performed an even greater miracle than they were demanding. Not only did Jesus walk off of the cross. Jesus walked out of His own tomb. Jesus was resurrected from the dead!
II. Jesus will not save the mockers.
A. We see the Roman soldiers mock Jesus in vs. 36-38. The soldiers also fulfilled prophecy in their mockery of Jesus. Psalm 69:21 says, “For my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink.” These soldiers were acting like servants presenting the best wine to a king. But this wine that they gave to Jesus was terrible. So they mocked Jesus by giving it to him. The idea that Jesus was any kind of a king was absurd to these soldiers. He was dying on a cross after all. “He is no king!” they thought.
B. Some people today also mock Jesus. Some of the people who mock Jesus are very intelligent. Some scientists believe that belief in Christianity and belief in science are incompatible. But certainly not all scientists think that way. Stephen Jay Gould, a brilliant Harvard scientist and an atheist who died a few years ago, once said that he thought about half of his scientific colleagues believed in God. Don’t let anyone make you feel stupid because you love and worship Jesus. There are a lot of intelligent people today – even scientists – who worship Jesus.
III. Jesus will save those who ask for mercy.
A. The other criminal in vs. 40-41 admits his sin. And then he expresses His faith in Jesus – that Jesus is righteous. Then the criminal expresses his faith in vs. 42 that Jesus – even though he was hanging on a cross – was still a king. “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He asked Jesus for mercy. Jesus saved him in response to his request. He was going to be in paradise that day. 2 Cor. 5:8: “Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
Will you respond to Jesus with the mockery of the rulers, soldiers, and one criminal? Or will you respond to Jesus with a cry for mercy like the other criminal?
The Gospel of Luke
Commentary on Luke by Darrell Bock
Sermon by R. Kent Hughes