Enjoy God, Embrace People, Experience Growth
SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Christian College Scholarships

Any college student attending a Christian College who would like to apply for financial help from Hope will need to fill out the scholarship application form and return it to a deacon by Sunday, June 1st.

Applications can be found in the foyer or downloaded here:

FMI: Contact any Deacon

Christian College Scholarship

  • Please complete all questions below.

  • Resources available and amount for this school year

  • (If yes, submit Matching Grant Application with this form.)
  • Freshman students: submit a written testimony encompassing your faith in Christ and Christian experience.All Upperclassman: submit a written testimony of how God has been working in your life over the past year.

I. Purpose:
Our purpose is to primarily provide financial assistance to college students who
are preparing for full-time ministry.

II. How much assistance:
The amount of assistance we offer will be governed by the amount of funds
made available in the annual budget and the number of applicants for assistance
in a given year.

III. Guidelines:

  1. Students must be a part of the Hope Baptist family.
  2. Students must demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
  3. Students considered first by the Deacons will be those who manifest an
    openness to and intent in vocational Christian ministry.
  4. Students enrolled in a Christian school and a vocation other than Christian
    ministry will also be considered.
  5. Students must be taking a full or at least half-time course load to qualify.
  6. Funds will be sent directly to the school.
  7. Students may reapply each year that they remain eligible for assistance.
  8. Students must submit written testimony describing their faith in Christ and
    Christian experience.