Enjoy God, Embrace People, Experience Growth
SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Mike & Agnieszka Green


Mike and Agnieszka Green have been serving in Poland for more than thirty years. Over the years, they have helped to plant three churches, led a youth group, and women’s conferences, among other things. Agnieszka also translated a songbook entitled “Tylko Jezus” or (Only Jesus). Both Mike and Agnieszka teach at a School of Missions that Mike helped to start eighteen years ago. Agnieszka teaches team dynamics and conflict resolution, and Mike teaches cultural anthropology and introduction to Islam. Agnieszka has been concentrating on a ministry to the elderly since COVID. Poland has a shortage of pastors currently. For example, 44% of the churches do not have a pastor in the Baptist church. Mike has started a mentoring program to work with elder/deacon boards in training them to lead their churches. He is also mentoring church planters and pastors. Mike now has 2 years remaining to get his PhD in in Missiology, which is the study of religious (typically Christian) missions and their methods and purposes.