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SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Saved for a Life of Faith (Page 3)

The Life of Faith is Distinct

Scripture: Isaiah 8:11—9:7 I. As a Christian of faith, you live with a distinct trust. A. King Ahaz of Judah gets some bad news in Isaiah 7:2: “Syria is in league with Ephraim.” The heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind. But…

A Fresh Encounter with God

Scripture: Isaiah 6 I. When you have a fresh encounter with God, you know God as king. A. In Isaiah 6:1 we read the historical setting for Isaiah’s encounter with God. King Uzziah of Judah had died that year. Everything feels uncertain and insecure. And what does God do for Isaiah? He gives Isaiah a…

Good Fruit

Scripture: Isaiah 5 I. God’s heart breaks when we don’t produce good fruit. A. By grace God had given Israel a good land. God had left nothing undone for His people. God expected good fruit to come from His people. But the vines only yielded wild grapes (vs. 2, 4). Literally, Judah produced stink-fruit. Judah…

Not the Way it’s Supposed to Be

Scripture: Isaiah 1 I. You regain God’s gracious privileges by repenting of political sins. A. Isaiah prophesied to 4 different kings of Judah (vs. 1). Isaiah begins by telling Judah what is plain to everyone: our country is broken. Judah has rebelled against God (vs. 2). They have sinned. They of all people, the ones…