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SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Questions of Jesus

Do You Want to Go Away as Well?

March 21, 2021

Scripture: John 6:66-71

I. You should stay with Jesus because there is no better option.

A. John 6 opens with Jesus performing the miracle of feeding 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. The people wonder if Jesus is the promised Messiah, the king who was to lead Israel to victory over its enemies. We read then in John 6:15 that Jesus perceived that the crowd wanted to come and take him by force to make him king. The next day the crowd finds Jesus in another town. Jesus knew that some came to him because they ate their fill of the loaves (vs. 26). Basically, they wanted another free lunch.

B. Another part of the crowd wanted to find out if Jesus really were the Messiah. They wanted to get rid of the Romans who were in charge of their country. At this point Jesus gave the crowd some teaching that was going to be a major disappointment to them. Jesus told the crowd that he was not a Messiah king who had come to defeat the Romans. He was a king who had come to defeat sin, death, hell and Satan. And Jesus told them that the way he would defeat these great enemies was through his own death (vs. 53).

C. The crowds then left Jesus (vs. 66). How did Jesus feel when they left? It might seem like he was discouraged based on the question Jesus asks His disciples in vs. 67: “Do you want to go away as well?” All Jesus cared about was making some committed disciples. So, Jesus asked this question not to keep Himself from sadness over the dwindling crowds. Jesus asked this question to give the disciples a chance to express their continued faith in Him. And Peter expressed that faith on behalf of the rest of the disciples in asking, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” (vs. 68).

II. You should stay with Jesus because Jesus gives life.

A. Peter answered Jesus’ question by saying in vs. 68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Peter knew that there were other religious options besides Jesus. It’s just that there was no other religion that could give Peter eternal life. Jesus had just fed this huge crowd with only five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle showed that Jesus can not only meet the needs of our bodies. Jesus can also meet the needs of our souls. Jesus can and does satisfy our souls like no one else can. See John 6:35. The life Jesus gives is a life full of joy, full of love, full of peace, and full of meaning. No other faith or religion can give you the life that Jesus gives.

III. You should stay with Jesus because Jesus is the Holy One of God.

A. In vs. 69 Peter gives another reason why he’s not leaving Jesus. Peter had faith and understanding that Jesus is the Holy One of God. The Holy One of God is probably a title for the Messiah. The holy Messiah and king would come to earth to reconcile sinful people to a Holy God. That was Jesus’ mission. And Jesus did this not only for Peter. If you are a Christian, Jesus also came to reconcile you to God. Because Jesus chose (vs. 70) the disciples out of His great love for them, the disciples are now reconciled to the Holy God. They are forgiven. They have the promise of glorious, eternal life. Why would Peter then ever want to leave Jesus? He wouldn’t.

Don’t leave Jesus. Where else would you go? Jesus alone has the words of eternal life.

The Gospel of John
Commentaries on John by D.A. Carson and Richard Phillips
“Being the Bad Guys” by Stephen McAlpine

Sermon Discussion Questions

1) Do you have friends or family who have left Jesus and the church? Why do you think the crowds left Jesus in John 6? What are some religious options that people choose to worship instead of Jesus?

2) What does it mean that Jesus has the words of eternal life (vs. 68)? In what ways has Jesus given you life?

3) Since Jesus is the Holy One of God, what can He do with your sin? Is there any other option besides Jesus who can bring you forgiveness from God?