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SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Jesus is Peace

Scripture: Ephesians 2:14 – 18

I. Jesus’ blood brings peace between people.

A. In Ephesians 2:13 Paul writes, “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have brought near by the blood of Christ.” The people who were far off from God were the Gentile race. The he of vs. 14 is Jesus. Jesus, Paul says, does not just bring peace. Jesus is peace. Isaiah 9:6: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace who has made the Jew and Gentile one and broken down the dividing wall of hostility.

B. But what was this dividing wall of hostility that separated the Jews from the Gentiles? Paul explains in vs. 15 that it was the Law of Moses, the law of commandments expressed in ordinances. But how many Jews were actually able to keep the Law? Only one. Jesus. Everyone else failed to keep the Law, and so they were all condemned by God as guilty sinners. But because Jesus fulfilled all of the terms of the Law in His life, He was able to be the perfect sacrifice God required to pay for our sins. Through His death and by His blood there is now no more condemnation for those who trust that Christ died for them. Now both Jew and Gentile find peace with God and with one another through the blood of Christ.

II. Jesus’ blood brings peace between God and people.

A. In vs. 16 we see that Jesus brings peace between us and God. Ephesians 2:16 says that Jesus reconciles us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. The us both in vs. 16 is a reference to Jews and Gentiles who now make up the one body of the church. How are Jews and Gentiles reconciled to God? Through the cross. When I say that I have faith that Christ died for me, that kills the hostility between me and God.

B. Verse 17 says that Jesus came and preached peace to you were far off – meaning the Gentiles – and peace to those who were near to God – meaning the Jews. This preaching of peace that Paul mentions in vs. 17 that Jesus did is a quotation from Isaiah 52:7: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” And Christ’s preaching to those far off and near is a reference to Isaiah 57:19: “‘Peace, peace, to the far and to the near,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will heal him.’” Christ published or preached this message of peace through His cross by His apostles like Paul.

III. Jesus’ blood brings peace within each soul.

A. Verse 18 tells us what Jesus’ blood has done for us. For through him, Jesus, we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. In the past the Jews had access to God at the temple. But what is our situation today as believers in the fact that Jesus died for our sin? What has happened for all Christians because of the sacrifice that Jesus offered on the cross? We have access. And our access is not to a temple building in Jerusalem but to the throne room of heaven where God rules over all the world! This access brings peace to our souls.

See yourself and Christians from other races as children held in the arms of the Heavenly Father.

The letter to the Ephesians
Commentaries on Ephesians by Peter O’Brien, Bryan Chapell, and Richard Coekin