Enjoy God, Embrace People, Experience Growth
SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Sermons from 2020 (Page 4)

New and Improved

Discussion Questions 1) In what ways do you struggle with keeping God’s law only on an external basis? How does this passage help you? 2) How does the new covenant actually make us (perhaps unexpectedly) better law-keepers? What does that say about the role of grace in our lives? 3) How does the rejection of…

Are We Good?

Discussion Questions 1) Do you ever struggle with doubts about whether the work of Jesus is really able to save you? How does this passage provide reassurance? 2) What are some of the “sacrifices” you offer to God to try to gain his favor and love? How does this passage help you fight that temptation?…

Jesus is Greater than the Law

Discussion Questions 1) How do your inadequacies highlight the imperfection and weakness of a set of rules like the Old Testament Law as the standard for salvation? 2) In what ways have you struggled to not fall back into living according to a set of rules as the basis for your acceptance from God? 3)…

Jesus is a Greater Priest

Discussion Questions 1) Do you feel like you read the Old Testament as if it were really about Jesus? How does this passage help you do that better? 2) How does this passage remind you of the importance of noticing every detail in the text? How does it reassure you that the Bible is divinely…

You Need an Anchor

Discussion Questions 1) In what ways do you see people struggling to trust God and His Word today? How are you personally struggling to trust God’s Word? 2) How does this passage help to reassure you that God can be trusted completely? 3) How are you doing in waiting patiently on the LORD? What would…

Jesus is Our Priest and King

Discussion Questions 1) Have you put your faith in Jesus as the sacrifice who paid for your sins? Have you repented of your sins? 2) How does it encourage you that Jesus as your great high priest took on human flesh and suffered with you? 3) Do you think that obedience to King Jesus is…

Jesus is a Greater High Priest

Although we cannot be together please take time to discuss these questions as a family and/or with a group of people. We would encourage you to discuss in groups through the use of video chat. It is important that we continue to have fellowship as the body of Christ. Discussion Questions 1) Why do you…