Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22
I. The grace of God surprises you.
A. On his way to Haran (vs. 10), Jacob goes to a certain place in vs. 11 that appears to be the middle of nowhere. He falls asleep. But then God shows up in a dream. The same word is used three times in verses 12 and 13: behold. The word behold means to look or to see. But behold contains an element of surprise or being startled. Jacob is startled by what he sees in his dream. The most startling thing he saw was God. Jacob thought he was alone, but he was not. God was right there with him. The holy God was interested in a sinner like Jacob.
II. The grace of God can offend you.
A. God says to Jacob in vs. 13, “I am the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give you and to your offspring.” God gives Jacob in vs. 13-15 the same promises that he gave to his grandfather Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) and his father Isaac (Genesis 26:3). Does it bother you that God could show such grace to someone like Jacob? Does it offend you? After all, Jacob was completely unethical. But we are all like Jacob. We all need God’s undeserved grace. Without it we cannot be saved from God’s judgment.
III. The grace of God overflows to you.
A. These promises of God to Jacob are so abundant. Yet, the promises of a land and children seem impossible for God to fulfill at this moment in Jacob’s life. But God gave Jacob a promise for today in vs. 15: “I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” For a man escaping from a brother intent on killing him, this is a pretty good promise, isn’t it? God is right here with you today also. Jesus said in John 1:51: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
IV. The grace of God makes its mark on you.
A. In short, God’s grace changes you. We see the beginning of a change in Jacob’s relationship with God in vs. 16. After his dream, Jacob says, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” Here is a summary of changes God begins to make in Jacob. A man running away from home now runs into God. A man looking for a wife first finds God looking for him. A man afraid of his brother now fears God. A place in the middle of nowhere now becomes nothing less than God’s place. A rock now becomes a temple. And when Jacob’s dream is fulfilled, Jacob the heel grabber will become Israel which means one who prevails with God and humans.
Let God’s grace change you. Trust God and His promises.
The Bible
Commentaries by Allen Ross, Dale Ralph Davis and Bruce Waltke
Sermon Discussion Questions
1) Have you ever been surprised by God’s grace in your life? How and when? Why was Jacob so surprised when God showed up in his life in Genesis 28?
2) Have you been offended that God could show amazing grace to great sinners? Why should we not be offended that God shows grace to people like Jacob?
3) How did God’s grace begin to change Jacob? How has God’s grace changed you? If God’s grace has not made much of a change in you, why is that a problem?