Enjoy God, Embrace People, Experience Growth
SUNDAY SERVICES – 8:30am & 10:30am

Wrestling with God

What Now?

Habakkuk 3:17-19  “Even Though . . .”                 Recognize Trouble “Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls,” (v17) “We are afflicted…

God’s Glory is Coming

Sermon Outline November 15, 2020 Scripture: Habakkuk 3:3-16 I.  The glory of God comes in salvation. A.     “You went out for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of your anointed” (vs. 13). Everything that God does in history He does for a reason. God always acts for the salvation of His people. And…

A Prayer for Stressful Times

Sermon Outline Scripture: Habakkuk 3:1-2 I. We should pray that God preserves life. A. Habakkuk begins his prayer in verse 2 by saying: “O LORD, I have heard the report of you.”  Habakkuk has heard the revelation that God has given to him about what is going to happen to Israel. He knows the destruction…

Everyone worships

Sermon Discussion Questions 1. Why is it foolish to worship an idol? What are some modern idols that we worship today? 2. In what way is an idol a teacher of lies (vs. 18)? How does an idol deceive the person who worships it? 3. In what way does God want the proud to be silent before Him…

Two Kinds of People

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1) What does Habakkuk choose to praise God for in vs. 12-13? Are there some aspects of God’s character you need to praise Him for in your difficult days today?2) Why is Habakkuk troubled by God’s decision to use Babylon to bring judgment on Judah (vs. 15-17)? What is the cause of…

Praying in Difficult Days

sermon discussion questions 1. What does Habakkuk choose to praise God for in vs. 12-13? Are there some aspects of God’s character you need to praise Him for in your difficult days today? 2. Why is Habakkuk troubled by God’s decision to use Babylon to bring judgment on Judah (vs. 15-17)? What is the cause of his…


Sermon discussion questions 1. Have you ever been surprised by how God has answered one of your prayers? Is it because you told God how to answer your prayer? 2. What imagery does God use to describe the power of the coming forces? How does the Babylonians’ power compare to God’s power? 3. Does it surprise you that…

Wrestling with God

Sermon Discussion Questions 1. What is Habakkuk’s complaint to God? Do you ever have similar complaints as you look at our society? 2. Why does Habakkuk address God with His covenant name LORD (vs. 2)? What is significant about the prophet’s use of this name for God? 3. Habakkuk needed to trust that God is the sovereign King…